What is SERP?
SERP is the search engines results page where the links to the various web pages are displayed based on the user searched query. When the user makes any search on the web, the search results are displayed in the Search engine results page. The user may click on any link on the SERP to visit the website to gather the information that they are looking for. The search results in the SERP is displayed based on the various ranking factors.
Organic Search Results:
Usually, when the user makes any search on the web, ten organic search results will be displayed in the SERP. This organic results will be displayed based on the several ranking factors which may differ for each search engines. By using the technique called SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you can optimize the web page to be ranked in the top results of the Google for the user searched query.
Paid & Map Results:
Google has introduced a paid advertising strategy called Google Adwords, by using which you can target the audience based on your business and can gain more traffic to the business website. Map results are displayed based on the location you are searching from, thus the Google tries to show the users the optimized and useful results that they are looking for.
Google shows the personalized search results based on,
- Location
- Based on IP
- Previous Search History
- Device Priority
- SERP Behaviour
- Previous Website Visits & many more
Not all the search queries are equal, some may vary based on location, some may be based on brand names, etc.
Google Business Listing:
If your business has properly registered in the Google My Business, then when any user searches for the query related to your business, nearby your location. then google will display your webpage by using the data from the Google My Business Listing. Google My Business helps to add information about your business like working hours, location, services and many more.
As business people, you can gather more traffic to your business website by using the organic SEO technique or paid strategy. Availing the digital marketing services from best digital marketing agency will help you in gaining more traffic to the business website.