SSL Certificate is the small data file which digitally binds a cryptographic key to the organization’s details. SSL Certificate when installed on a web server, activates the padlock and then the https protocol and allows secure connection from a web server to the browser.
Google has started giving preference to the sites with the SSL certificate, this is to make sure that the users have the secure information transfer between the browser and the server. Google has announced that from July 2018, the Chrome will warn the users who are visiting the sites without SSL Certificate, As more than 50% of the users around the world are using the chrome browsers, this update will bring a huge impact on the internet.
How Will Chrome Warn Users of Insecure Pages?
Google will show a prominent warning in the address bar showing that the website is insecure to browse. This error will be shown to all the HTTP sites to make the users know that the site is not secured. Hence adding the SSL certificate in the website will make them secure on the internet and also in the views of the Google.
Worldwide Impact of Chrome HTTPS Security Warning:
Chrome is used by most of the users around the world, hence this update by Google will bring a huge impact on the internet. The need to update to HTTPS (SSL Certificate) is especially important in regions such as South America, where the usage of chrome is high as 74.04%.
Is SSL Important for the website?
SSL Certificate is must for the websites, as in the future all the browsers and the search engines will prefer only secured websites to show for users. Hence the websites with the HTTP will not be ranked in the SERP. When it comes to the SEO Perspective, Secured sites tend to rank on top of Google’s SERP than the unsecured websites. Hence to improve the rankings on the SERP and also to gain more traffic to the website SSL implementation is must for the websites. A secured site will act as a good signal to the Google, which will make the site to rank on top of SERP.