How To Setup A Perfect Google PPC Campaign?


Google Adwords is the online marketing platform developed by Google to help the business people to get more leads from the online platforms like Google Search engine and other partner websites. Using the Google pay per click services you can target the customers for your business by using the Google search engine as a medium.  As Google is the search engine which is used by the most of the people in the world, online marketing for your products or service in Google will help your business to get more customers. Here let us see some strategies using which you can get more conversions to your business.

Identify The Potential Keywords:

As an initial step in the Google Adwords strategy plan. You should find the potential keywords for your business with the high search volume. Using the Google keyword planner you can find the more potential search terms based on the location and language. Google keyword planner will also help you with an average cost per clicks for each keyword that you are looking for. As an initial step, you should identify the potential terms and should group them.

Campaign Setup Plan:

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As from the previous step you will have the potential terms with the search volume and the average CPC for each keyword. From this data, you can plan the campaign setup with the approximate bidding. Initially you should run the campaign for a week with the minimum possible budget and then can analyze and optimize the campaigns later on.

Landing Page Optimization:

On top of all, you should direct the users to the proper landing page when they click on your Ads. The main things to notice on the landing pages is that it should contain a medium through which the users. can get in touch with you. “Contact Form” is the must on the landing page for the service-oriented Ads, So that the customers when visits your page through Ads, they can submit an inquiry In it.

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Tracking The Conversions:

As a business people running the Google Ad, You should have the mechanism to track the performance of the Ads. The conversion tracking will help you to identify the performance of the Ads. For example, you can redirect the user to the “thank you page” when they submit the details in the Contact Form. From this, you can identify that the who are visiting the custom designed “thank you page” are from Google Ads.

Analytics Integration:

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Integrating the Google Analytics with your Business website will help to track the visitors. From the Google Analytics, you identify the difference between the visitor’s traffic from various sources like organic results, paid traffic, social media platforms, etc.

Thus these are some important strategies which you should follow in order to gain more clicks for your Business website through the Google Ads. As a business people you can directly involve in these activities. Hence you can hire a PPC Consultant for your Business or can avail services from the best digital marketing agency in the city to get more conversions for your Business from online mediums.