Why creatively designed SEO webpages ranks faster?


This is a experimentation we’ve done for a while at ClickDo when we were doing new websites for clients and new creatively designed SEO webpages that needs to ranks faster.. The results are great and we did went about ranking niche domination level ranks for over dozen of our clients in UK as well as for our own lead gen websites.

So what’s a creatively designed SEO webpage?

You can see the ClickDo home page which ranks for the toughest SEO consultancy niche keywords. Since we did the home page with many elements and nicely graphics that triggers the user activity to help the user behavior the site went about and ranked much faster on g.co.uk. And the on page micro elements does help as well, but the creativity is what helped the on page time and serious results!

5 days back (Today is 22.03.2016) Kasun did designed this page > https://www.clickdo.co.uk/seo-consultant which is going after some of the the world’s toughest SEO consultancy keywords, and the budge is been pretty impressive. You can see the elements I’ve got added there and how comprehensively it says the story for the user. If you do read you will realize how the elements are added in a manner to give easier user guide who lands on that page. I can see search engines are becoming humans and so sharp in identifying the best web pages that deserves the ranks.


Google picks up on many elements before it ranks a websites and user behavior is crucial factor. I believe Google has tendency to identify websites with it’s elements and structural setups, if that pages is done in a manner to help the user. So that could be a reason why they quickly budge pages.

Let’s see how see that page will roll to the SERP’s for terms like “SEO consultant London” , “SEO Expert London” and even for “SEO Consultant” which are uber competitive lead gen terms. Btw I have one of main money properties which I built a profitable startup and ranks on SERP’s for above mentioned terms. That web page is done in a manner to give a great presentation and a higher on pages time. Just check the OM HQ home page as how it’s done by Kasun to give great presentation and capture the visitors who lands on that page.

Does creatively designed SEO webpages ranks faster?

That’s just my sites, now let’s shares couple of  examples of my clients that dominates the their local business niches in London. If you check for a keyword like “Piano tuner London” or even “Piano tuning” which are the most competitive in that niche, you can see the site that ranks at the top.


Now should I even share another example?

let’s do this, I love you all and believe you will only use this knowledge for you own SEO game and rank and go bank and live the good life. Keep in mind your goal should be to help make the web a nice place. To do that, you must aim to do great designs and take efforts to do a great web property.

If you see the Orthodontics niche in UK. I rank for the toughest keywords that generates flood loads of leads for practices. For example if you look up for a term like “Orthodontist London” you can see how the top ranking site’s home page is done in a very creative manner to capture the user! Go check that out and learn it for yourself!

Ok let’s look at one more example of a website Kasun did last week and launched on a new URL, which targets the rubbish removal niche in London. This is the site > https://www.rubbishawayltd.co.uk and see the home page design and inner pages like > https://www.rubbishawayltd.co.uk/services/ which are done in a very high manner.


Now let’s have snap of some of the keywords the above website site targeting. Ain’t is mesmerizing to see websites that’s not even 7 days old rolls like below!


Creative story telling through SEO web pages helps the budge!

Story telling format works best and if you see this new page > https://www.clickdo.co.uk/work-with-us/jobs/digital-marketing/ and this page https://www.clickdo.co.uk/work-with-us/jobs/seo/ you can see the design and search engine bots loves those pages and send so much traffic from long tail search phrases.

That’s about it for now for today and I believe you got some ideas on why creatively designed webpages ranks faster?

Drop you comments below using the Facebook and I will personally get in to each and every comment.