Advantages Of Target Search Page Location Bidding In Google Adwords

google ppc

Google Adwords is the online paid advertising platform developed by Google to help the business people to target the potential customers for their business by using Google search engine as a medium. In Google Adwords, there are various bidding options like automatic CPC, manual CPC, etc. Among all, Target search page location is the one by using which you can make your ads to display only on the first page of the search results.

Target search page location is the type of automated bidding strategy used in the Google Adwords in which your Ads will be shown only on the first page or else it will not be shown anywhere.

How does it work?

In the target search page location strategy, Adwords will automatically lower or increase your bid to show your Ad on the first page. The target search page location works with keywords, ad groups and campaign targeting for Search Networks only.

Ad Placement:

Top of the first search page results:

In this type, Google will increase or lower your bids to meet the top of the page bid estimate. Your business Ads will be shown only on the top of the page or else it will be shown nowhere.

google ppc ad placement

Anywhere on the first page:

In this type, Google will adjust your bidding to make your Ads to be shown either on top or bottom of the first page of the search results.

Advanced Options in Target Search Page Location:

Limited Budgets:

Choose whether to raise your bids when your account becomes “Limited by Budget”. By choosing to raise the bidding in this situation will lower the number of clicks. Instead of which you can lower your bids so that you can reduce the amounts you pay when someone clicks on your Ads.

google ppc bidding strategy

Low-Quality Keywords:

To run a successful adword campaign avoid raising the bids for the keywords with the quality score less than four. As the keywords with low quality score will increase the cost per click of the Ads.

google ppc keywords

Thus these are some of the advanced bidding options in the Target search page location type by using which you can either show your business Ad in the top of the first page or anywhere on the first page and nowhere. By using the Google Adwords you can get more conversions for the business by using the Google search engine as a medium.

Hiring a professional PPC Consultant for your business will help you in analyzing your business industry, identifying the potential search terms, creating the Google PPC Campaigns and also monitoring them periodically to get more leads for your business. Comparing to the other traditional marketing strategies Google PPC will help you in getting more leads for your Business.